The ladies that own and run the house are just lovely! Both are from England. The owner, Pat, was born in Dover but then lived in Cambridge. The other lady that served us is from Cambridge. They didn’t meet each other until they both happened to move to our town, though, and Pat opened the tea house. They are such wonderful ladies! And both still have a good bit of their British accents. I loved it!

We were served delicious scones, jam, Devon cream; watercress, salmon, roast beef and horseradish, and cucumber tea sandwiches. Also, there were probably 15 different cakes and pastries including eclairs, lavender jam rolls, orange marmalade jelly rolls, coffee cake, raisin puffs, and cream tarts.
I drank over 3 cups of tea and lost count of how many different things I tried, so I was definitely caffinated and sugared up for class last night. haha!
Overall, it was one of the most lovely experiences I’ve had in a while.
Oh! And on April 29, they will be broadcasting Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding on loop ALL day. Guess who’s going to be at the tea house THAT day??? ;)
Here's the link to the Tea Room if you'd ever like to visit.
(Photo source)
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